Tuesday, 27 March 2012


The fifth meeting took place in our town Burdur. Participants from Sweden and Spain total number 13 met on February 25 - 30 in 2012
As a member of the hosting organisation we were very honored and delighted to have welcomed our partners.
We feel ourselves much more familiar with the project aims day by day. I hope we could have shown this during the visit. We tried to prepare a busy meeting program within the aims and targets of the project idea.
We knew that our participants would like to see some ordinar schools, so we took them to different primary school as well as the public education centers.

Cocreat partners participated in two different workshop and created three differents works including
ebru, printing press and a collage work with the inspiration of peace and brotherhood.

Besides,they met with the mayor and the director of national education.

You can reach all the documents prepared for the meeting.Thank you very much for your interest. I will keep on sending.

Here is the link for the video. http://youtu.be/-ZTp-ZXdCd8